“It is in the practice of Self-compassion that it becomes possible to love freely and courageously, thriving in intimate connection with others and ourselves.”

Toni Herbine-Blank, IFS Senior Trainer

Aleksandra Lemm

I am trained Internal Family Systems (IFS) practitioner and therapist of Embrace Therapy (ET)

In recent years, I also had the wonderful opportunity to study other modalities of therapy, such as Compassionate Inquiry (CI) and Somatic Experiencing (SE).

IFS is my preferred model for working with clients in my private practice, but I love to integrate all of these healing modalities depending on the client’s needs.


Internal Family Systems
Falling in Love with your Inner Life


Welcome to my website which is meant to give you a little insight into the work we might be doing together in a therapeutic setting.
I offer support to individuals around issues of:
anxiety, depression, relationship issues, life transitions and spiritual exploration.

  • Internal Family Systems therapy (IFS) is one of the fastest-growing, evidence based psychotherapeutic model. It looks at every human being as a system of protective and wounded inner parts led by a core Self.
    Self is in everyone, can’t be damaged and knows how to heal.

  • Parts are expressed through different mediums like thoughts, sensations, feelings, images, and/or sounds. They all live in the body.

  • We recognise qualities of the Self as deep compassion, confidence, curiosity, and connectedness.
    In IFS sessions these qualities serve as guides toward building trusting relationships between Self and Parts leading to healing of the inner life and in consequence healing relationships with the outer world.
    I personally find IFS model as life changing. I love that it is so client-centered, meaning that you are not getting depended on my presence as therapist and that your healing comes from wisdom of your wonderful system and yourSelf that knows exactly what you need for deep healing to take place.

  • For any questions, please dont hesitate to send me an email.

Sign up for a session

Email Aleksandra:


My Blog

Authentic = connected

Our attempts not to feel negative&difficult emotions are controlling us. To hold a loving and caring space for these emotions, to truly allow...

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Path of compassion

Nothing has meaning in itself. It is our interpretations based on past experiences, negative beliefs & emotions that make up our experience...

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Client experiences

My session with Aleksandra was a very beautiful experience.
She guided me through the process of confronting myself with some deep fears and pain, in a very gentle but thorough way. I felt safe and confident throughout the whole session which lasted for about 90 minutes. 
It gave me a lot of insights in the source of some coping mechanisms that
I struggle with and helped me accept myself more.

I am very thankful for her. (…)

Jur de Vries

Osobisty urok Aleksandry, głęboki spokój i harmonia emitowany z jej ciała i głosu udzielając się jednocześnie. Sesja była intensywna, a doświadczenie wyniesione, zaskakujące i głębokie. Emocje czułam w całym swoim ciele. Aleksandra zostawiła mnie z pakietem ćwiczeń do samodzielnej pracy, za które jestem niezmiernie wdzięczna, stanowią one dla mnie narzędzie z którym mogę pracować kiedykolwiek poczuje taką potrzebę, dzięki sesji Embrace Therapy® z Aleksandra, nauczyłam się dbać o swoje potrzeby, porażki i być wdzięczna za wszystkie lekcje, które daje mi życie.

Aurelia Adamsky


